Food For thought: Cooking hacks for busy students.

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By Sherwin Dsouza II MA (JMC)

Being a busy student often means juggling multiple responsibilities while trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Amidst lectures, assignments, and extracurricular activities, finding time to cook nutritious meals can be challenging. However, with the right cooking hacks and strategies, students can simplify their meal preparation process and enjoy delicious, homemade dishes without sacrificing time or quality.

Here Are Some ideas to make use.

1. Plan ahead.

Planning is key when it comes to cooking. It can help streamline the process of cooking and reduce the time spent in the kitchen. Here are some kitchen hacks to help students plan their meals:

  • Create a meal plan – Every weekend, take time to plan the meals for the week ahead. This will help reduce waste and ensure you have the ingredients needed to make your favourite dishes.
  • Make a shopping list – Before heading to the supermarket, make a list of all the ingredients you need. This will help save time and money by avoiding unnecessary purchases that might go to waste.
  • Bulk cooking – Cook large quantities of food that can be frozen and reheated later. Cooked rice, potatoes, pot pies and pasta s are examples of some  that work great for bulk cooking.

2. Make the most of kitchen space.

Living in a dorm or a small apartment can make it challenging to have ample kitchen space. However, with some creativity and organisation hacks, students can make the most of their space with these kitchen hacks:

  • Use vertical space – Wall-mounted shelves, hanging baskets, and a magnetic spice rack can help free up counter space.
  • Invest in a slow cooker – A slow cooker is a versatile appliance that can help cook large meals with minimal effort.
  • Get creative with storage – Use mason jars to store dry goods and place hooks under the cabinets to hang measuring spoons and cups.
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3. Utilize budget-friendly ingredients.

Students often have limited funds and must find creative ways to cut costs; a kitchen hack is to utilise budget-friendly ingredients. Here are some that can be incorporated into meals:

  • Rice and beans – Rice and beans are a staple in many cultures and are an excellent protein source. They are also budget-friendly and can be used in various dishes such as burritos, stews, and salads.
  • Frozen veggies – Frozen vegetables are a cost-effective and healthy option. They are often cheaper than fresh produce and can be stored in the freezer for an extended period.
  • Canned goods – Canned goods such as canned beans, tomatoes, and tuna are budget-friendly and can be used in various dishes such as soups, salads, and pasta.

4. Invest in essential kitchen tools.

The best kitchen hack is to have the right tools that can help simplify the cooking process and make the food taste better. Here are some essential tools that are worth investing in:

  • Chef’s knife – A good quality chef’s knife is essential and can make food prep much easier. A sharp knife can also make the kitchen safer.
  • Cutting board – A sturdy cutting board is necessary for food prep and can also help protect the kitchen counter.
  • Measuring cups and spoons – Measuring cups and spoons are essential for precise measurements and can help ensure the recipes are made correctly.
  • Sheet pans – Sheet pans can be used for roasting vegetables, baking potatoes, and making sheet-pan meals.

5. Get creative with meal prep.

Meal prep is the best kitchen hack to save time and simplify the cooking process. With a bit of creativity, students can turn meal prep into a fun and enjoyable experience. Here are some tips for getting creative with meal prep:

  • Try a meal prep party – Invite friends over and turn meal prep into a fun social event. Have a potluck in which everyone brings a dish to share and then work together to prep for the week ahead.
  • Make it a ritual – Make meal prep a weekly ritual by doing it at the same time every week. You can turn on music, get into comfy clothes, and turn the kitchen into your happy place.
  • Create a meal prep menu – Create a menu of dishes that can be prepped ahead of time. This can include soups, stews, and casseroles.

6. Embrace One-Pot and One-Pan Recipes.

One-pot and one-pan recipes are game-changers for students with busy schedules and limited kitchen resources. These recipes offer convenience and simplicity without sacrificing flavour. Here are some kitchen hacks:

  • A kitchen hack is to invest in good quality, non-stick skillet or pot to prevent sticking and make cleanup even easier.
  • Opt for recipes that include a variety of vegetables, proteins, and grains in one dish for a well-balanced meal.
  • Don’t be afraid to get creative and modify recipes based on your preferences or the ingredients you have on hand.
  • Keep a collection of go-to one-pot recipes that you can rotate throughout the week to save time on meal planning.

7. Repurpose Leftovers.

Leftovers are a goldmine for creative cooking and can save you both time and money. Instead of eating the same meal multiple times, try these kitchen hacks to transform leftovers into exciting new dishes:

  • Stir-fries and Fried Rice: Turn leftover rice, proteins, and veggies into a flavorful stir-fry or fried rice. Add some soy sauce, garlic, and ginger for an Asian-inspired twist.
  • Pizza or Flatbreads: Use leftover tomato sauce, cooked meats, and chopped vegetables as toppings for a quick, easy homemade pizza or flatbread. Simply use pita bread or naan as the base.
  • Soups and Stews: Combine leftover roasted or grilled meats, beans, and vegetables with broth or canned tomatoes to create a hearty soup or stew. Add some spices for extra flavour.
  • Salads and Grain Bowls: Incorporate cooked grains, roasted vegetables, and protein from last night’s dinner into a vibrant salad or grain bowl. Top with your favourite dressing for added zing.

Cooking as a student doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task. With a bit of planning, creativity, and the right tools, students can make delicious, nutritious meals without breaking the bank or spending too much time in the kitchen. Use these best kitchen hacks to make cooking an enjoyable and rewarding experience.

A few examples can be seen below

  1. One-Pot Meals: These meals have all ingredients cook together and usually require minimal time. Examples include fajita pasta and stir fry.
  2. Usage a Microwave: Many microwave-safe containers and utensils are now available. You can use a microwave to cook/reheat food quickly.
  3. Meal Prep: Prepare your meals for the week on Sunday night or any time you have some free time. This will save you time during the week.
  4. Frozen Meals: Frozen meals can be a convenient and quick option when you are short on time.

Cooking as a busy student doesn’t have to be overwhelming or time-consuming. By incorporating these cooking hacks and strategies into your routine, you can streamline your meal preparation process, save time, and enjoy delicious, homemade meals that fuel your body and mind. Remember, with a little planning and creativity, eating well as a student is within reach. Happy Cooking


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